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Report Categories

Coastal Icon


Our coastal research examines changing population and employment dynamics along the coast, as well as the economic diversification and spillover potential of coastal restoration work featured in our Coastal Index.

New Orleans Youth Icon

New Orleans Youth

Our research on New Orleans youth examines the reduction in the overall size of the child population in New Orleans as well as the continuing prevalence and challenges of child poverty.

Population & Demographics Icon

Population & Demographics

We provide high demand briefs covering demographic shifts across the New Orleans metro, poverty in Southeast Louisiana, our growing Latino population, and the rise of single-person households.

Economy & Workforce Icon

Economy & Workforce

Our economy and workforce research covers economic synergies and commuter patterns across Southeast Louisiana, the tidal wave of job openings from the new "energy boom" in our region, and analyses of skills gaps.

The New Orleans Index Icon

The New Orleans Index

Our “New Orleans Index,” a now biennial publication developed in collaboration with the Brookings Institution, tracks progress towards prosperity relying on over 30 indicators that measure economic growth, sustainability, inclusive growth, and quality of life.

Ask an Expert

If you are a nonprofit, government, or other agency working to improve New Orleans and our metro area, we’re here to help. First, review our site for the data or information you need. If you are not able to find what you are looking for, please fill out the Ask an Expert form.

Media Inquiries

Are you part of the media and have a question? The Data Center provides the most reliable data and analysis for Southeast Louisiana. Media Inquiries >